Sustainable packaging is the name of the game
Hello TS friends!
Happy Holidays to you all. If you are celebrating the holidays this season, it’s beginning to be the time of year where you notice the exorbitant amount of packaging.
How we package our Sikart Teardrops!
Whether it’s the wrapping paper on the presents, or the boxes on people’s porches, packaging is something that stands out when we think of this season. It’s a shame how much of it goes to waste. Fortunately, this is an issue that companies are starting to think more about - and we, at Three Sisters, are excited to share with you, through our next couple sustainability posts, how we are contributing to change in holiday packaging.
Reduce - We have invested in stronger shipping boxes that we can use for years (instead of continuing to collect more). This way we can move up the R Chain from Recycle to Reuse and Reduce.
Reuse - We reuse our shipping packages, including ones we use to ship between the US and West Africa. We also ask friends and colleagues to save the boxes they get (Blue Bottle Coffee Subscriptions, anyone?) and send them our way so they can get a second life.
Recycle - It’s important to us at TS to use recycled paper in our packaging. We got our recycled Crinkle paper from ULine. And the individual paper we use to protect our soapstone cups is newsprint from Niger. Want to know who was running for President in Niger in 2016? Order a handcarved soapstone cup and you’ll find out!
We hope you consider supporting sustainable companies this season! Keep asking questions and demanding transparency. Stay tuned for our TS Sustainability post next week, highlighting a couple of the companies that help us make our sustainability pursuits possible.